Whiplash occurs when the head is forced back and forth without warning. Auto accidents usually cause this neck injury but can also occur after a fall or sports injury. Whiplash causes neck pain but can cause other body parts to ache. Our chiropractic care team at West Buffalo Chiropractic in Buffalo, NY, provides auto accident treatment, including whiplash and neck pain.
Where Will I Feel Whiplash Pain?
Whiplash is commonly felt in the neck and head but can affect other body parts. Symptoms may not start immediately but can cause centralized pain and radiating pain throughout the upper part of the body. Other familiar places to experience whiplash may include the upper mid-back area and shoulders. Some people also experience pain in the upper part of the arms and just below the shoulder joint.
When Should I See a Chiropractor for Whiplash Pain?
Most whiplash symptoms are minor and can be treated at home using over-the-counter pain medications, muscle relaxants, ice, and rest. However, pain medications should only be a temporary solution to treating whiplash, and if the pain does not subside, it might be time to seek chiropractic care.
You should see our chiropractor for neck pain and whiplash symptoms if the pain intensifies, comes and goes, you develop localized weakness in arms and legs, or you start to have pain, numbness or tingling in the arms, shoulders, and legs.
Seek Whiplash Treatment in Buffalo, NY
Contact our chiropractor to discuss treatment options if you are experiencing pain associated with whiplash or other neck injuries. At West Buffalo Chiropractic in Buffalo, NY, we understand how uncomfortable whiplash pain can be and are ready to help provide the relief you need. So call us at (716) 248-2825 to schedule an appointment with one of our chiropractors today.