Chiropractic care offers alternative non-invasive treatment methods that focus on a variety of issues within the human body. West Buffalo Chiropractic in Buffalo, NY, focuses on your spine and the health issues that the spine can cause when your vertebrae are out of alignment. Using our clinic’s gentle instrument adjusting approach, we can effectively restore your body’s balance and function.

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General Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is a bit of an umbrella term that covers a wide variety of treatment options. Some of the most common options involve ultrasound therapy, spinal decompression, hydromassage therapy, and more, all of which we provide here at our clinic. One of the newer options available is called Instrument Adjusting and we are excited to offer it as a tool for our patients.

Traditionally, performing chiropractic adjustments involved having a patient lay on a mechanical table on their back or stomach. The chiropractor then uses their hands, pushing the vertebrae into place. This is still rather common and is still considered an adequate form of treatment, however, the instrument offers better control of the pressure needed. With the use of gentle instrument adjusting treatments, the impulse instrument relieves pain and restores body function to the joints of the spine and extremities.

What is Instrument Adjusting?

An Instrument Adjusting tool is a device that doctors use to deliver gentle and precise chiropractic adjustments to their patients. Just as in traditional medicine with its advancements and strides, chiropractic medicine is also advancing in their methods of providing healthcare. This tool is a relatively new and practical solution, this instrument is slowly replacing the hands-on method of adjustment to the back and the nerves running through the spinal area.

The doctor uses an adjusting instrument that does the same thing but more effectively, and efficiently. The instrument can be used on patients of all body types and it provides faster and precise results. This method is non-invasive, comfortable, and pain-free. When it is used, you will feel a light tapping sensation on the problem area. The amount of pressure needed for the treatment depends on your pain level and the nature of the problem.

Chiropractic Care in Buffalo

If you live in the Buffalo area and you’re looking for a chiropractor to help relieve your joint or muscle pain, call West Buffalo Chiropractic. Utilizing the latest technology in our field, we provide quality chiropractic healthcare to our community. Call us today at (716) 248-2825 to book your appointment.