Tension headaches can lower your productivity and overall quality of life without treatment. West Buffalo Chiropractic helps provide relief from your symptoms and welcomes those in the Buffalo, NY region to make an appointment.

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Tension Headache Causes

Tension headaches can have various triggers, and these include eating a particular food, physical exertion, and hormonal problems. In addition, auto accidents and fatigue often lead to tension headaches. Even changes in blood sugar, overhead lights, or hunger can sometimes be the culprit. Caffeine use, dehydration, or illness may be precipitating factors as well.

Tension Headache Symptoms

Tension headaches are fairly common. There are two types: episodic and chronic. The episodic variety will occur between one and fifteen times a month, while a chronic tension headache will appear more than fifteen times per month. These will generally increase in severity gradually with an onset that begins slowly but that can last just minutes or extend into days at a time.

Headache Treatment

Our chiropractor needs to determine the reason behind the headaches to determine the appropriate course of action. Spinal adjustment therapy works to alleviate the pressure that has built up in the spinal column, preventing future tension headaches from occurring. This technique can also help to correct bad posture which strains the nerves and ligaments in the back.

Other treatment options include soft tissue therapy and electrical stimulation therapy. The use of massage has also proved effective for helping the shoulders and the upper back relax and release accumulated pressure.

Reach Out to Us for More Information

At West Buffalo Chiropractic, we have provided residents of Buffalo, NY, with natural and effective tension headache treatment for many years. Call us today at (716) 248-2825 for more information or to schedule an appointment with our chiropractor.